About Company #1

Company #1 is one of six companies that make up the Manhasset Lakeville Fire Department. Company #1's primary or "first due" response zone covers all of the area from Bayview Avenue to Port Washington Boulevard, North of Northern Boulevard and South of Liquer Road and South of Bonnie-Heights Road with the exception of the Village of Plandome. This includes the areas referred to as Manhasset, Flower Hill, Munsey Park, and Strathmore.

Company# 1 was founded in 1908 as part of the "Hill & Valley Fire Department" along with our sister Company #2 located off Community Drive. In 1912 both companies were merged into the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department. For over 100 years Company #1 has been staffed exclusively by volunteer members of the community; neighbors helping neighbors.

Company #1 is an Engine and Special Operations Company. Operating three apparatus (two engines and one rescue). In the simplest form the engine is responsible for "putting water on the fire" while the rescue or special operations rig responds to more exotic emergencies including serious automobile accidents, confined space rescues, high-angle incidents, building collapse, water and ice rescue, and other emergencies where specialized equipment and training is needed to save lives.

Company #1 Apparatus

Being a member of Company #1 is often a lifetime commitment with many members having over 20 years of service to their community. During their tenure members attend hundreds of hours of training, and respond to thousands of calls for help. With an average day seeing 2 or 3 calls for Company #1 alone, peak days have seen hundreds of calls in several hours. Members respond 24 hours a day 7 days a week often leaving the warmth and comfort of their homes and families or the necessity of their jobs to help strangers but more often then not neighbors and friends.